Tuesday 15 June 2010

I Have A New Game...

Hmmm... A long time not visiting my blog. It's caused by Kompasiana, a social blog for journalist provided by Kompas. Badly, I'm not a journalist and poor about journalism. Although I knew since 2009 but I decided to register at this month. It has a new appearance both template and feature.
I joined Kompasiana because interested by reading articles from members which is informs good opinion and reportage.  Sometimes, I want

to give my opinion to the article but it is no longer available to visitor. Commenting system sets only for registered member, just differ from old appearance that visitor could comments. So, It's my reason to join it. Tried commenting and finally wrote article. I thought it's just a same with other blogging services but I careless that Kompasiana supposed to journalist. My articles were not appropriate with "pakem jurnalistik", so it's ashamed wkwkwkwk...
Ok, let me learn about journalism first, then I'll post article follow the rules (learn stage).
It's Better than facebook, although wasting time but useful, not like facebook that useless (I'm rare to check my account).

1 comment:

  1. something stupid19 June 2010 at 18:45

    betul betul betul...
    mending yang nambah ilmu.
